Of all the types of competitive gaming... the First person shooter genre (FPS) might be the hardest for you make a name for yourself on online gaming for the reasons stated above for unlike Real Time Strategy (RTS) games in FPS the fast doesn't wait for the slow in connection issues. That plus the lightning fast nature and split second dead of alive nature for most of the FPS titles would mean only the best of the best in both equipment and skills (cheaters not included) would stay on top.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elite of the Elite
Thursday, May 28, 2009
BrickGamers 33 - Then & Now Gaming
If you're and old-enough gamer (does that give away our age?) you'll be familiar with the following comic. For the rest of you young gamers, this is a good time to aquaint yourself with past gaming trends so you'll know what you're carrying on your gaming shoulders :)

Yes, it's unfortunate when the Evil Eye of Capitalism targets gaming to be exploited, but let's not forget that like everything else, there's always 2 Sides of the Coin - while gamers loathe modern gaming for its demands on you being a rich gamer, the time will come soon when the Evil Eye will move its Gaze to something else, and Gamers can once again reclaim their rightful ownership, and perhaps by then, gaming will evolve to something else to cater to the needs of real gamers :)
Categories: mag
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cool LEGO gaming gear sculpture
Builder and flickr user Joris Blok built some of the most nostalgic gaming gear with bricks.
From a distance it could have been mistaken for the real thing.
Source : Brothers Brick
Sunday, May 24, 2009
When we can't get some, we sue
Saga of the Duke Nukem Forever continues off the battle with aliens to legal area as business partners are now suing the studio for failure to deliver the game.
After years of teasing players with the catchy phrase of "Who want some?" Duke himself ends up getting some from the ruthless race of lawyers.. not a glorious way for a legend to go.
Related Article
50% LEGO Sale!

RM50 for Lifetime Membership entails you to 10% Discount on LEGO® @ ALL Brickboy Outlets - Gardens@MidValley, Sunway Pyramid, Tropicana Mall.
However, this 10% Discount will NOT apply to the current 50% Member Sale Promotion of course - you wish! :P
Categories: sale
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Outside Klang Valley?

Categories: ads
Sunday, May 17, 2009
We will Nukem, but it might take forever...

Sunday, May 10, 2009
War waits for no one
Lately there has been this surging of free browser based real time strategy games which involved lots of planning and time investment... thing is they are mostly played with people around the world 24/7 and your armies/cities stay in the game whether you are log in or not. Sometimes dire results can happen should your armies/cities found themselves under attack without the guidance of their lord...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Sega Sonic in 3D
Talking about mascot here we have the super fast mascot of SEGA in brick himself by builder Dave and John Xandegar, a father and son team from the Chicago, USA. Click on their name to see a list of their other creations.
Source : Brothers Brick
Categories: creation
Mario in his first of many adventures...
Builder Rob Majury on his take on Nintendo's main mascot first ever adventure to rescue a damsel in distress. Mario the plumber has since crossed countries, swam ocean and reached the stars, literally; but it all started here climbing levels avoiding barrels.
Source : Brothers Brick
Categories: creation
Sunday, May 3, 2009
But I am the one who is suppose to be doing the savings!
Taking timid girl friend to horror movie is fun.. and so is the same theory applies to bringing your girl friend to play Left4dead. But if you found the intended roles to be on the reverse in reality then we can say nothing more than "Doh!".
Categories: gamer, gamers, gaming, lifestyle, relationship
Power Miners 8958 Reviewed!

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Power Miners Reviewed!

Of course, as usual, BrickGamers' Jack always gets in the picture for causing mischief...

Up next - the 8958 (Granite Grinder) and 8960 (Thunder Driller)! You can get them all at Brickboy LEGO® shops - the only LEGO® store in Malaysia! They can be found at The Gardens @ MidValley, Sunway Pyramid, and at the new Tropicana City Mall. For more information, visit the Brickboy site here.
Categories: review