Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brick Gamers 35 - Online Games

Opps...our bad! We slipped up the July posting of the converted Brick Gamers comic number 35 which appears in the GameAxis Malaysia July 2009 printed mag. So here it is now - delayed, but here for your enjoyment! To make up for it, we're stuffing in some extras below!

For those who "came in late", click on the comic below to open it in a new tab/window to read it easier, since it wasn't designed for the Web like the rest of the other comics here. Cross our fingers, knock on wood and other good luck spells that the August comic will be out on the 28th of this month as planned! Otherwise we have to pacify you with more extra stuffings! :P

Sadly, the bane of modern games is that they assume you have an Internet connection, and broadband at that, or shall we say fast broadband to be exact! While it's almost true if you have a computer you most likely have a broadband connection in today's age, not everyone has a fast Internet connection - and that's where the problem lies with these games which require online connectivity. Try playing a game with a poor Internet connection and you'll begin to realise how frustrating it can be!

With places like Malaysia having lousy Internet connection due to the monopoly of the Government-controlled Telekom Malaysia (which you can read more in this post over on BrickTech, our sister site), games which require Internet connection can be in today's world more of a pain than pleasure.

Let's not forget about StarCraft 2's announcement about not supporting LAN (Local Area Network) play, requiring gamers to be online to play it, which BrickGamers made fun of here, and has even appeared as another Hitler video using the famous Internet Meme, The Downfall. If you haven't seen it before, it's on our Sidebar Digg box (below, right):

Digg box

Should you read this post too late and it's gone, you can view it here, or right below!

New games san boxes

Purchasing original games via downloading seems like a bold new trend for now. With service provider like Steam many games seem to find new sales on weekend price slashes and promotions alike. Sure it is more environmentally friendly and stuff... if you don't mind the box less package. What is more is that almost all these games are account binding... meaning you can't borrow them to your friends unless you are willing to share your game service access password and ID.

Score two for the game developers and nil for old time gamers.