Our bad. The Christmas and 2010 New Year gaming delayed us for BrickGamers 40. That's 40 comics that's appeared in GameAxis (a South-East Asia regional monthly print game mag) since we started 4 years ago. This doesn't include the 70-over Web-only BrickGamers comics which appears on this site 3 years ago! Now due to requests, our GameAxis converted comics for the Web have been enlarged to 800pixels (SVGA) to cater to bigger LCD monitors, so when you click on the 400pixels (width) thumbnail below, it will open a new tab/window with the 800 one.
Oh yes, we decided to tackle the Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 private server gamers protest issue for this 40th GameAxis BrickGamers LEGO comic! For Malaysian gamers with lag problems, it's something that's very close to the heart that's worth protesting about! However, as Jack has mentioned, it's the Console gamers that will doom PC gamers and their protests!