Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brick Gamers 42 - How To Buy A Game

How do you buy a game? Go to your favourite pirated/illegal game seller - or if you have the bandwidth for it - online? Well, partially that's true. But there's also another side to how a gamer actually buys a game. For BrickGamers 42, we decided to explore this 'adventure' of buying one...

As usual, just click on the comic and it'll open in a new tab/window with the larger version. If you're wondering why the bigger size is a bit blur, it's because we've lowered the JPEG quality to balance with our larger comics for more fans who are having larger monitors (we do uh...monitor...that too you know!). This will allow those with slower connections to enjoy their favourite LEGO gaming comics faster :)

Before we do YOU buy a game? ;)